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Select Board Minutes 08/18/2015
Tuesday August 18, 2015 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Elias Gillen, Member
Andrew Harhay, Member
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm

Motion 081815-1 - Mr. Mandell, waive the reading of the minutes, accepted as written for August 4, 2015. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted. Mr. Harhay abstained.

This is a joint meeting of the Select Board and the Conservation Commission.  Present for
the Conservation Commission; Marcia Beal, Christine McCooe, Fan Gallo, Valerie Lundin. The
reason for the joint meeting is to close the boat ramps around the lake for the upcoming weed
treatment scheduled for August 20th.  

Motion 081815-1CC -  Ms. McCooe, to close the boat ramps for the duration of the treatment on August 20th. 2nd Ms. Beal, all in favor, Conservation Commission, all in favor
Select Board. So voted.

Larry Mandell asked if it could be put on cable. Police Department will put up some sort of barriers to restrict boat access from the ramps.

Motion 081815-2CC – to adjourn Conservation Commission meeting, so voted. 7:07 p.m.

Mr. Mandell introduced Andrew Harhay as the newly elected Selectmen.

Mr. Harhay thanked everyone for coming out to vote. Mr. Harhay specifically thanked Bettina Schmitt for running such a clean, nice campaign wishing her luck with the Master Plan on which the Planning Board is working.

Mr. Mandell explained he had spoked with the gentleman interested in the position on Conservation Commission that the Select Board had been asked to appoint.  That person is no longer interested.

Motion 081815-3 - Mr. Gillen to appoint the sitting Select Board member as the chair of the LOC. All in favor.

Old Business
Motion 081815-2 – Mr. Mandell to accept the minutes as read for July 30, 2015. 2nd Mr. Gillen, Mr. Harhay abstained. Mr. Mandell and Mr. Gillen yay. So voted.

Guest 1:  Mr. Andy Goodall from Union Connecticut.  Mr. Goodall attended the meeting as an invited guest of Mr. Mandell.  Mr. Goodall proceeded to give a great deal of background regarding his life’s involvement with the town of Union Connecticut. Mr. Goodall is currently 1st Selectmen but has been a selectman for 20 or so years.
Mr. Goodall then gave a history of the water rights and flow control of the “Little Mashapaug” and the Quinnebaug River. There are currently nine (9) homes on Hamilton Reservoir that are actually part of Union Connecticut so the health of Hamilton Reservoir affects Union also. When Union did testing for milfoil, it was discovered that everything was clean other than “Little Mashapaug”. Mr. Goodall would like to move up the Connecticut permit to the “little pond” but his Conservation Commission said no. That commission is opting for sterile carp to eat the plant although it is not going to happen this year.

Mr. Goodall has also been fighting with DEP in regard to the draw down.  DEP CT will only let Union shut off the water for a limited amount of time during the Reservoir’s draw down.

Mr. Goodall would like to work more closely with the town of Holland.  There is currently talk of diverting water from Bigelow Hollow in CT.  This will divert most of the water that Hamilton Reservoir gets to a different location.

Mr. Mandell stated that Senator Anne Gobi will be in Holland tomorrow, August 19th. Mr. Mandell asked to see the topographical map that Mr. Goodall had brought with him to see where the water would be diverted.  Mr. Mandell asked that Mr. Goodall share any specs for this proposed activity and to keep the lines of communication open. Mr. Mandell said it was vital to keep these lines open.

Mr. Gillen stated that this could be an issue the Lake Oversight Commission (LOC) should look at. Mr. Harhay asked if the LOC is moving forward? Mr. Gillen stated that the LOC’s first meeting is scheduled for this coming Monday August 24th.  There should be a flow diversion permit, inter basin permit of some sort. Mr. Gillen wonders what the yearly amount spent is and can it be used to cross state lines.  This needs to be looked at.  Lynn Arnold tried to get the two DEP’s to work together. ATC’s Gerry Smith does not believe that CT is to blame for the Reservoir’s milfoil problem. Mr. Mandell thanked Mr. Goodall for coming to the meeting.

Guest 2: William Hardy.  Mr. Hardy came to the meeting as an elder of the Holland Congregational Church, to invite the Select Board to attend the Holland Congregational Church’s 250th anniversary on September 12th at 2pm.  Mr. Mandell said he would be able to attend.  Mr. Mandell thanked Mr. Hardy for inviting the Board.

Guest 3: Tammie Chenevert of Viridian
Ms. Chenevert thanked the Select Board for giving her the opportunity come to the meeting and explain suppliers. 70% of an electric bill comes from suppliers.  Ms. Chenevert, with the help of her assistant, Jim Stearns, showed a video relating to the Viridian company.  After the presentation, Ms. Chenevert asked that Viridian be allowed to bid for the town of Holland’s electric supply.  She provided 2 forms that need to be filled out and sent with copies of the current bills to calculate the bid.

Mr. Mandell asked if the company was public or private. Viridian is  a publicly traded corporation that trades on the Canadian market.  Viridian has been in business since 2006. There has been 585% growth since 2010.

Mr. Harhay asked what Viridian charges private customers. Response was 8.9 cents per kwh for the first 6 months with a 13.9 cent per kwh fixed rate for the next 30 months. Mr. Harhay stated that his current private rate is 12 cents per kwh. Mr. Harhay asked if he heard correctly that the price was 1 penny more for renewable energy. Ms. Chenevert stated the price was 13.9 cents per kwh for 60% renewable and 1 penny more, 14.9 cents per kwh for 100% renewable energy.

Mr. Mandell thanked Ms. Chenevert and Mr. Stearns for coming to speak with the Board.  Ms. Robbins will find out the terms of the current electrical supply company for the town and let Ms. Chenevert know.

Cox Cable update - The hearing is still open. Charles Thompson received a letter from Representative Neal stating that he has contacted the FCC on behalf of Holland on the matter. Mr. Thompson can expect a response sometime in September.

Seaboard Solar - Mr. Mandell explained that the Board has been contacted by two other companies who are selling net metering credits. The Board is not currently in a position to move forward on a contract with Seaboard Solar.

Subordination of current loan through PVPC -  We have been asked to subordinate a loan owed in the amount of $6,681.50 if paid off by December 8, 2015.  
  • Do you want to place the town in second position?
  • If there is enough equity why not pay it off?
  • appraised value is $200,000.00
  • loan requested is $158,866.00
Discussion about the loan seeking subordination and how it works. It was determined that nothing would be done until PVPC could be contacted and the loan program explained thoroughly.

Linda Blodgett was approached for a septic improvement loan – In the past the loan/lien was signed by the Select Board, the program is managed by the Board of Health, the money was collected by the Tax Collector.

Committee Liaison:  Mr. Gillen stated that he liked the idea that Mr. Harhay proposed during his campaign and took the liberty of putting it on the agenda.  Mr. Gillen stated that he felt it is important to create better communication between the Select Board and other boards.
Motion 081815-4 – Mr. Mandell, to assign a Select Board member to each Board, Commission and Department. 2nd Mr. Gillen, stating that it is not to interfere.
Mr. Harhay asked if this should be discussed at an all boards meeting? Mr. Mandell withdrew his motion to assign.
Motion 081815-5 – Mr. Mandell, to schedule an all boards meeting. Mr. Mandell stated that this was his original goal with the Government Studies Committee.  2nd Mr. Gillen. All in favor. So voted.

Legal Update – Mr. Gillen

  • Letter from insurance company denying coverage for the current lawsuit with Dana Manning.  Mr. Gillen stated that we need to take a hard look at the town’s professional liability insurance and why we have the public person coverage.
  • First bill for the suit, Dana Manning v Sharon Ashleigh, Town Clerk, et als. Total $10,965.00
  • The Planning Board sought and was granted permission to submit questions to Town Counsel in regard to a Special Permit.  The reason for the submission is that there have been changes in case law that affect the decision to be made.  Based on the changes, a professional opinion is prudent.
Highway Department redid the entire ball field parking lot at no cost to the town. Thank you to Allstate Asphalt, Palmer Paving and the Highway department for volunteering to get this done.

Please ask the families/general public who use the field, to park over in the refurbished parking area, leaving the town hall parking and library parking available on the nights they are open.

The new Conservation Commission has scheduled a Conservation training session with the DEP to be held here at the town hall and has invited other town Conservation Commissioners to attend.

2nd Annual Zucchini Festival announcement

Next meeting will be September 1, 2015 at 7:00 pm.

Mr. Mandell motion to adjourn, seconded Mr. Gillen. All in favor. So voted at 8:35 pm.

Kelli A. Robbins
Executive Secretary
Town of Holland
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA 01521
Phone 413-245-7108 EXT. 101
Fax 413-245-7037